Friday, February 12, 2016

Meet the CICS staff

As promised last time I wrote, here's a rundown of all of us workers at CICS for 2016.

Let the freundschafting begin... :)

Bethany Thompson (USA)
Bethany is the new dorm mom this year. Her main responsibilities are taking care of the girls that stay here during the week, washing and cleaning for those of us that are less skilled in that area, and cooking once a week or so. On top of all that she has been learning as much Spanish and ASL as she can which is actually quite a bunch in this short time. Occasionally, conversations directed at her are met with a blank stare, but usually she knows what's going on. :)

Elmer Montano (El Salvador)
This is Elmer's fourth year working here at CICS, so you could say he knows most of what's going on. He is in charge of the boys that stay here during the week and general maintenance around the CICS property such wacking weeds and fixing stuff that decides to break. He also has the honorary title of "CICS clown". He is very good at making people laugh and does so often. You could say we're all a bit cray-crazy sometimes, but it helps keep us sane. 

Liz Jara (USA)
You might say Liz is an American since she lives there and speaks English, but she is really Paraguayan (Paraguayan American, maybe? :) ). Anyway, Liz is one of three of us teachers. She teaches the two newest students, Antony and Maria, which gives her a chance to learn ASL along with her students. She is still getting the hang of how we do things around school, but she has been doing a great job at it.

Paty Vasquez (El Salvador)
Now that Paty is more familiar with teaching in her second year here at CICS, she has been given the responsibility of teaching the three locos (Miguel, Jairo, and Joel) I had last year. Those three boys will definitely keep her on her toes, but I'm confident that she has strong toes. :) Paty will be a good teacher, I'm sure.

Samuel Stoltzfus (USA)
This is me. If you don't who I am, I included a picture, just in case. :) In my third year here teaching, I'm in charge of the four oldest (Teresa, Eduardo, Paola, and Beatriz), and I'll also help some with transporting the children, translating for them at church, and various other responsibilities.

Verónica Rosales (El Salvador)
The food expert. Verónica has been working here for five years, making her the longest tenured worker. Her responsibility this year is chief belly-filler-upper which takes up a great deal of her time. But she does an excellent job, to which my stomach will gladly testify.

And that's all of us!

There's only six of us this year, because of us having three teachers instead of four like last year. So far we have been getting along splendidly and I don't see any reason why that shouldn't continue.

Pray for us that we could work together as a team this year, for the good of the deaf children, and most of all, for the honor and glory of our Heavenly Father. And also, pray for protection from Satan's efforts to destroy this ministry in any way he can.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support. God bless you!

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