Saturday, October 29, 2016

On to new adventures

Welp, the time I've been anticipating has finally come.

We had our closing program yesterday morning, and I was able to say my last goodbyes to the children and fellow staff. I'll miss them all so much!

Last photo opportunity of the year.
Left to right: Beatriz, Eduardo, Samuel, Paola, Teresa.

This is the group of people I've had the pleasure of working with this year.
Left to right: Liz, Samuel, Paty, David, Bethany, Verónica.

The typical knot in the stomach hasn't hit me yet, but I expect it will after I settle in at home for a while and realize I won't be able to listen to my students' stories and sign to them, or that I won't be having any more rice, beans, and tortillas (sorry Mom) for supper along with a healthy measure of Marie Sharp's habanero hot sauce.

At the same time, I'm really looking forward to what lies ahead. I've been looking forward to going home for a while now. I haven't seen my family yet, since I'm staying in San Salvador until it's time to fly out, but I'm really excited about that prospect. And I can't wait to go back to church, the youth group, and my job.

You know, it's a blessing to be able to have two homes and two groups of friends, but that feeling is bittersweet sometimes. But it's worth it, and I thank God for having given me the opportunity.

I can't wait to see what the future holds, but whatever it is, I'm sure God has a lot to teach me! These three years in El Salvador working with the deaf have taught me many valuable life lessons. Granted, I'm stubborn and it's taken quite a few lessons, but God has been good and I feel like I've been learning about as much or more as my students have.

And to all of you faithful supporters, thank you so much for praying for me! I wish I could thank each of you personally, but I guess this will have to suffice. Thank you for your support and prayers. I couldn't have done this without you. May God abundantly bless each one of you!

That said, I don't mean to say that I don't need prayer anymore. As friends have reminded me, coming home doesn't mean I'm done being a missionary. I can be a missionary to my family, my friends, my church etc. I don't need to be in a foreign country or even another state. So please continue praying for me. Pray that God would continue to work out his plan for me in my life. Thank y'all so much!

Trying to get all our "teacher stuff" done before the end of the year.

Enjoying some quality staff game time that had
been seriously lacking at times.

Solomon anointed as the new king.

Solomon and his faithful servants/soldiers.

Solomon's dream.

"This is not my baby!!"

"No, don't kill the baby! Give it to her instead..."

The queen of Sheba decides to visit Solomon.

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