Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A roadmap with missing pieces

I haven't written in a long while (I apologize), but it's kinda hard to find time to write when I have visitors. James and Alverda Weaver were here for almost three weeks and I really enjoyed having them here! It seems like they left so soon, but in less than a month I can see them again, along with all the rest of you. Isn't that exciting! It is for me at least!  :)

But back to the subject at hand...

So I don't actually own a roadmap, let alone one with missing pieces...

But if you guessed I was speaking figuratively, you were right! I guess you could say the "holey" roadmap is my future as I'm able to see it, which isn't much. Somewhere, God has the complete roadmap, but He won't let me see it! If only He would just hand it to me, you know. Of course, I know that's for my own good, but sometimes it's hard to not know what's going to happen...

Last Tuesday we had staff interviews where we usually get asked about returning for another year, among other things. That's when I officially affirmed my plans to return to El Salvador the third time as teacher for the 2016 school year. Some of you already know this, but I wasn't telling everyone due to not yet having had the aforementioned interviews.

I'm a bit apprehensive of how next year will go. In fact, I'm terrified sometimes!

You see, I'll be the longest-tenured guy next year, which means I'll have all the responsibility that comes with that. I would love to spend another year working under Matthias' great leadership, but unfortunately he has other plans with a certain special someone that involve having a special service where there will be tying of knots, uniting of families, and all that jazz. So he's not staying...

And neither are Lidia or Melody. I have yet to find out if they also have plans such as the ones Matthias has. :)

Anyway, this means we will need to replace at least three staff. Paty and I will be the only hearing staff that are returning. Which makes for a lot of changes, some known and most unknown, and a lot more responsibility for both Paty and I.

I will probably be switching classes which means teaching different students. I will be partially responsible for the rest of the staff. I will asked to be a spiritual leader.

Sure, I've heard and even said to myself:

"Just take one day at a time."

"God is in control."

"Put your future in God's hands."

"You will never be alone."

et cetera, et cetera...

The problem is constantly remembering and believing those quotes and promises. They have a way escaping my mind when I see things that could overwhelm me. Kinda like Peter--he was walking on the water just fine until he saw the big wave about to crash over him.

I guess what I want to accomplish by writing this is to let you know a bit about what's happening so you can better pray for me. Pray that I could have faith, and really believe, in God's faithfulness and His plan for my future.

Pray that I could allow myself to make mistakes, and then learn from them!

Pray that I would actively strive to cultivate a closer relationship with Christ.

Pray that I would allow God to use me as He sees fit in my work for these dear deaf souls here at CICS.

Pray that I would do everything in the spirit of humbleness and servitude.

God bless you all for your support and thank you for taking the time to pray for me! May God repay you for all the countless ways you have blessed me!

Joel and I. Not sure, but I think maybe he was
my only student that day.

Joel and Mauricio having a blast on the swing.

They like to make themselves dizzy. It's
not for me that's for sure. I'm never doing it again!

Slingshot day! Not a happy day for the lizard in the tree.

We still use our Spikeball game occasionally. The older kids really enjoy it.

An intense game of kickball.

Like I said...

Look at them muscles!

You can do it Nata!

That expression, though!

Whenever there's something different going on, you can be sure my boys
will be there to check it out!

Jairo and Antony begging for a ride on Alfredo's bike.

Verónica with her two girls she's responsible for during
a photoshoot for the end of the year pictures.

I gotcha! Miguel trying not to laugh while Lidia bugs him.

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